Birthday to remember...
So Maggie spent the past month planning for this past weekend. She told me to take the Monday off, and to pick a date for the party. She also asked who to invite and what food (Italian - since most people can eat this stuff) to have for dinner. I think that was about all the input that I had. Originally it was just going to be a board game party for board gamers on Sunday, but due to issues with getting people together on Monday, we combined the board game party with the family party for a gigantic family board game party. I had to run some errands during the morning for the party: picking up drinks, ice, and Melissa. The last item was kind of odd for me since I did not recall inviting her. But I realized later that she was the one who actually made the birthday cupcakes! One set was for my dad and one set was for me. The theme for the cakes was games so my dad had Mah Jong tiles on them while mine had Agricola items. We had a decent number of people showing up (mostly when the foo...