Las Vegas Canyon
Maggie and I went to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon last week. I was actually there for an ISRI convention, and Maggie came later so that we could spend some time at the Grand Canyon. Apart from going to the Grand Canyon and watching the Michael Jackson One show, we had no plans. View of the bridge from the Hoover Dam. The convention went pretty well, and Maggie arrived just in time to watch Hillary Clinton give a speech, and duck a shoe . That night we went to watch the Blue Man Group before staying overnight at the Luxor. Where's the water? Afterward we headed east to Hoover Dam where we stuck around for an hour taking some photos before heading towards the Grand Canyon Village at the South Rim. That is a fat squirrel. When went to watch the sun set on the first day, and Maggie wasn't able to wake up for the sunrise the next day so I went by myself. We did however go hiking in the afternoon and make it down about a mile of the Bright Angel Trail. We spent a