
Showing posts from February, 2016

Babywatch Begins..

And so it begins: The last days of our (childless) lives. We're as ready as we'll ever be. and we will be as ever ready as well.

Car seat goes in.

Maggie and I installed the car seat in the car on Saturday. They say that you should do it one month in advance, just in case. The hospital will not let you leave with the baby without one installed, so having one installed this early will mean that you do not have to rush to get one in around that child birthing time. Also, 37 weeks is considered full term so this weekend, we start: Babywatch.

One month to go.

So, in a month I will have a baby in my arms. She may not be born on that day, but there will definitely be a baby, and I will definitely be in need of sleep. So, Maggie and I will try to enjoy what time we have left of our DINKy lives before entering the world of parenthood..