
Showing posts from April, 2021

Cherry blossoms and baby babbles.

 Serena's babbles are starting to sound more like words now, although her vocabulary is limited to "hi" and "bubble". We had taken advantage of the good weather this past weekend to enjoy the cherry blossoms in the ravine. The trees this year are much more blossomy than prior ones. I had thought it might take a little longer for the trees to fully bloom, but it seems as if this year is the year where it is worth coming to see the grove. The snow we got last week did not seem to affect the buds, and the area was busy with visitors. I am sure next year will be even more crowded now that the trees are producing quite a number of flowers, although word is already spreading so people have been coming over to visit this year despite the lockdown.

Cut the third.

So Maggie cut my hair again last night. This time it took about half the time and was a lot easier to clean. Preparation and practice helps. I do enjoy not having my eyes poked out all the time and using a lot less shampoo. Also, sunglasses, hats, and masks should stay on a lot easier now.


Serena started clapping today. I was able to capture it on video just like with Elsy. However, Elsy started clapping at a much earlier age, also got teeth earlier as well. Serena still only has two teeth.

Bleeding transfer.

We brought Elsy back to the specialist to take a look at her nose and he re-cauterized the area he fixed the first time. Apparently it didn't heal properly. He told us to really gel up that area so that it completely heals and to make sure no mining is going on there. He also sent us to check on blood work in case there was something out of the ordinary. I took the day off so figured that we could do it right away, but alas the clinic was by appointment only and they were fully booked. We did find another clinic outside of town and amazingly enough, it was dead empty. The difficulty was convincing Elsy to go. Once she realized what we needed her to do, she got very anxious. It was all very natural and we bribed her with toys but what surprised me the most was that during the procedure, she just stared at the needle and watched the blood come out. No crying, just fascination. Speaking of blood, I had my blood drawn a week ago, and coincidentally enough, my nose started bleeding last...