Bridal shower

Maggie says...

Barbara & I celebrated our bridal shower this past Saturday. It was a fun afternoon and everyone was very impressed with the amount of detail and work put into this event. So we must give thanks to those who were able to make it to celebrate with us and their generous gifts, and those who sent well wishes even though they were not able to attend.

Special thanks goes out to:
- Jean for being the mastermind and 'creative director' for the event
- Katherine & Adrian for letting us have the event at their house/doing double duty cooking/baking/cleaning
- Shellie & Pauline for the hard work on the yummy cake
- Caroline & Bob for helping to prepare for the day
- Mom for helping Jean the weeks ahead in putting all the party favours together
- Melanie for letting Jean borrow all the decorations/catering tools
- Tina & Aunty Shen for helping out in the morning
- Candace for helping orient & direct guests when they arrived

As we get closer to the wedding, it's gotten busier and busier. We'll continue tyring to submit entries when possible. It's now 78 days until the wedding!


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