Three More Days

My place has been overrun. It has been overrun by bridal shower accessories. It is not even for Maggie's bridal shower, or even related to our wedding at all! (We closed the books on our wedding months ago.) No, we are getting ready to host Jean's bridal shower at our condo. Part of the preparations was to store all of the bridal shower stuff in our apartment.

It started off small: a handful of cute teacups and accompanying saucers. Added to them were the handful of teapots and sugar pots, more cups and saucers, plates and trays, various teas, boxes of teacups and saucers, kettles and drink dispensers, buckets (no hyperbole) of teacups and saucers, napkins, more plates, more platters than you can shake a stick at, need I go on?

The dining table is completely covered with stuff, the coffee table is completely full of stuff, the countertops are barely usable, the sofa is partially usable, and the flat tops from the containers of stuff we brought in are also getting full of stuff. Only the bedroom seems to have been spared from this unbridled explosion of tea cuppery. I hope they enjoy this tea party. I will be very glad when it is all out of the condo!


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