
Showing posts from May, 2013

Doors Open Downtown

Maggie and I wanted to participate in this year's Doors Open again in Toronto. I created an itinerary and passed it along to anyone who wanted to join us on our tour. The weather that weekend was a little cool, but was sunny and good for hiking around town. We even managed to hit every stop that I had listed down and then some! On Saturday, we took public transit and checked out Lower Bay Station , grabbed some street meat and then waited for the Campus & Cosmos Walking Tour which was way more popular than the tour guide had expected. (He expected fifty, the website indicated that there was a limit of eighty, and I think we broke 250.) We were at the head of the line and got wrist bands, but nobody was really checking. The walk was an hour and a half long and we learned quite a bit about this part of the city. Because of the walk, we took a look at the Munk School of Global Affairs which I did not see on the map and was once a meteorological observation centre. Afterward,