Doors Open Downtown

Maggie and I wanted to participate in this year's Doors Open again in Toronto. I created an itinerary and passed it along to anyone who wanted to join us on our tour. The weather that weekend was a little cool, but was sunny and good for hiking around town. We even managed to hit every stop that I had listed down and then some!

On Saturday, we took public transit and checked out Lower Bay Station, grabbed some street meat and then waited for the Campus & Cosmos Walking Tour which was way more popular than the tour guide had expected. (He expected fifty, the website indicated that there was a limit of eighty, and I think we broke 250.) We were at the head of the line and got wrist bands, but nobody was really checking. The walk was an hour and a half long and we learned quite a bit about this part of the city. Because of the walk, we took a look at the Munk School of Global Affairs which I did not see on the map and was once a meteorological observation centre. Afterward, we headed to the Ontario Legislative Building and was able to see the Lieutenant Governor's Suite. We were pretty much done with the events for the day so we headed to SickKids hospital to visit BT. I wanted to eat at Khao San Road but the place was packed with a waiting time of an hour. We asked Jeff for suggestions and ended up eating with him and Jean in Koreatown.

On Sunday, we started a bit later but had less walking to do. Our first stop was the Campbell House, which I did not realize was normally open to the public. Then we went into the Canada Life Building, which Maggie has wanted to visit for quite some time. Osgoode Hall was next, and then Old City Hall. Both were a little boring, but City Hall was disappointing. We were also just a bit too late to visit the Mayor's office.

View of both City Halls from the Canada Life Building.
We went to Banh Mi Boys for dinner. The buns were tasty, although a little pricey, and there was no place to sit.


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