
Showing posts from January, 2016

Going downtown!

So Maggie and I have decided that we will be moving back into the city this spring after the baby has been born. We both enjoy living urban life and the commute right now is somewhat painful. Now going along those lines - I have been thinking long and hard as to when I would be letting go of my RSX. I have had the car for over 12 years now and it is in excellent condition, but with the baby coming it will be a little tough to carry a baby around in it and Maggie cannot drive it so.. Time to look up black book. Hopefully they didn't all decide to retire after that lottery.

Post Pre-Natal class.

Maggie and I went to a pre-natal class this past weekend and came back more informed as to what we were getting ourselves into than before. I think it was time well spent. Hopefully we'll actually remember all of this stuff when we're in the middle of all of that stuff, but I'm sure that we'll be fine in the end.

Five years ago..

So our wedding website went on line just a bit over five years ago now. I was able to archive and post the website in it's entirety last April and things have been humming along ever since. It seems somewhat narcissistic to keep both the wedding website and The PIT up and running even though both are now effectively frozen, but I do like to preserve the past, regardless of how inconsequential it is to others, just because I like to remember the past. I wonder if we should do something interesting for our fifth year anniversary. With our luck, it will be changing diapers or something similar.

It was just a shower..

Maggie and I had a baby shower yesterday. It was organized by her sisters and there were plenty of people invited - from both genders - although I was not particularly informed about that point until much later, but that's alright. Who would I have invited anyway? There was plenty of food, fun, and frolicking during the afternoon festivities as friends and family filled the room with talk and laughter. Plenty of photos were posted on Facebook and the ones that Elena posted seemed to garner the most attention. What tickled me the most was having so many people congratulate us on the upcoming birth when it seemed overly presumptuous as the due date was still ten weeks away. I even LOLed when Cheryl congratulated me saying that Leo was so cute. I should pass along the complement to Reg though. I'm sure he'd appreciate it.