
Showing posts from July, 2016

Post 100.

This is obviously not my 100th post. Nor is it really about anything 100. In any case, now that Elsy has reached a four month milestone, we can reflect on her first 100 days of life which we kind of did at her 100 day celebration (held late so that it was conveniently enough near my birthday and when GKMMM were in town). We had around 100 people invited to the party of which only two did not show. Had I remembered that the venue had a projection screen available I would've put together a slide show of her first 100 days instead of the tennis game or baseball game (although the baseball game was quite the hit!). It was unfortunate that we were not able to really greet all of our invitees properly. I tried to focus on those that we rarely ever see. But even then, it was still not enough time for those that we were able to talk to! I am still amazed that four months have gone by and none of us has had any serious issues. Things have been going relatively smoothly. Smooth enough fo

Awake all weekend.

Since this was our first year downtown, and this was the only year we would get a clear view of the pride parade, we decided to stay downtown during the pride weekend festivities. First off, I would say that our vantage point for the pride parade was excellent! The best part was the air conditioning, available drinks, snacks and sleeping arrangements. Now for the bad part. We were situated next to one of the concert venues, and what we did not realize was that the concerts were to run to 0200 on Saturday and Sunday morning, and until 2300 on Sunday night. The sound proofing for our unit is not the best, as we could hear regular traffic on normal days. The concert sounds came right into our unit and the base was especially felt as our windows (and everything else) would shake with every beat. This led to some very sleepless nights, especially for Elsy who we are in the process of sleep training. The fact that she started to sleep through the noise on the second night, and not just