The gate keeper.

We have a couple of gates in the apartment to keep Elsy out of areas we do not want her to go into; namely the kitchen and dining area. Ever since Elsy was able to walk, she was able to figure out that she was unable to get past the gates, and we have taught her to ask for assistance if she needed to open the gate. Each time we opened the gate for her, she observed our actions and studied the gate. She can easily close the gate on her own, but is still uncertain how we are able to open the gates while she is unable to.

It is interesting observing her while she is watching us open the gate mechanism, as I can see the gears turning in her head. She knows what actions are required, but is unable to perform them. We know this is because she doesn't have the strength and leverage to open the locking mechanism, but she still tries. This past month she has been attempting to unlock the gate herself, and then only asking for help after about a minute of trying.

I would like her to keep trying even if she keeps failing, as long as she's learning. It's good to learn a level of persistence at a young age. It will help when she is older.


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