Garbage truck. Cold!

So for the past couple of months Elsy has been repeating certain phrases over and over again, usually accompanied with some sort of hand gesture. Her first one was "Oh no!" with he hands gripping the top of her head. Another is "Elsy crying!" any time she is sad. This is usually accompanied by tears. A fairly recent addition is "Hi City!" whenever we open our blinds. She waves out the window. The complement to which is "Bye City!" which is a spiny wave followed by shutting of the blinds. Her most memorable one is "Garbage truck. Cold!" where she clenches both fists and shivers.

Still not sure how that ended up being associated with being cold in general, but the first time this happened, the garbage truck was outside and either Maggie or my mom was pointing out that it was the garbage truck, and that it was cold outside.

Now my parents are saying that phrase regularly now. I gotta record it for posterity.


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