House history.

The folks who did the renovations in the basement did an excellent job. While they were making the changes downstairs, they found an army helmet in one of the ducts. The posted a picture on Facebook so I was able to link it here.

An old army helmet.
I found that curious but filed that away.

When we got the house, someone had left a card to call them once we moved in. I gave the person a call and he explained that he had lived at that house when he was a child and was curious if we were planning on remodeling the kitchen if the stained glass window was to be removed. If so, if they could have it.

A nice stained glass window.
It was made by his dad before he passed so I think it would be nice to give it back to the original family if we decide to take it down. In addition, I passed along the information about the army helmet and he's now looking into the whereabouts of his dad's old WWII helmet..


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