Reno incomplete.

So the renovations are still underway. Maggie suggested that we should have written a blog about the whole ordeal so that we, and anyone else, would be able to learn from this experience.

Although a good idea, the reality was that we were so busy with the renovations and life in general that we did not have the time to sit down to document all the stuff that was happening and what we were doing about it.

In any case, here is where we stand: The bedrooms are mostly done. They just need to finish up with the electrical and networking. The bathroom is mostly done. The last of the tile is going down and the lighting and exhaust fan needs to get in. The cabinetry has been purchased and assembled and just needs to be installed. The kitchen is well on it's way. There is still the appliances to put in place and some cabinetry, but for the most part, it's pretty close, especially now that we have the sliding door installed. The blinds are on order and will be here in month. The side door should be installed this week.

The only big ticket items to worry about is supporting the joists and installing the new roof supports. This is a huge structural change and we're still waiting for the permits. We also have all of the exterior work that needs to be done. The insulation needs to be installed and the furniture needs to be purchased, but at least we're seeing progress. By the end of this week we should have a place that looks livable.


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