The attack of the dandelions...

My lawn is in constant need of de-weeding. One of the largest culprits is the lowly dandelion. Our neighborhood and ravine are covered by them and it is a constant struggle to keep them at bay on my property. The garden areas seem to do quite fine actually, probably due to the competition from the other plants, but the grassy areas are usually overrun by these invaders. Each day for the past week I would pull out a dozen or so plants. I usually just pull out the ones that have flowered. They are much easier to see. However, I know there are more, and each day I would see up to a dozen more flowers appear that need beheading.

Granted, given that the areas around us look like they are dandelion lawns it seems like a small price to pay, it is still annoying to do, considering that there are at least a dozen other weeds that have invaded my back yard that I need to control, and I have to figure out what are weeds and what are not!


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