Doors Open Spring Cleaning Weekend

This weekend was Doors Open Toronto and Maggie and I wanted to do some exploring of certain sites around the city. First up was Havergal College, which we never checked out despite living so close by. We also wanted to check out Casa Loma, even though it was only the Stables and Potting Shed. I wanted to also check out the Spadina Museum and the Toolkeeper's Cottage which were nearby. I also wanted to see the R. C. Harris Water Treatment Plant and the Portlands Energy Centre. I never knew we had a power plant still running in the city!

We were able to check out Havergal College first but our plans went awry when my motorcycle did not start up. I had left the accessories on for a few days (the concierge informed me about my lights being on a while back) but I had not gotten around to checking out the battery, and it was pretty dead. So instead of driving to some of these sites (which required payment for parking) we went to the Portlands Energy Centre instead (it was only open on Saturday) and left the other destinations for Sunday. Both sites we saw had walking tours and were quite informative.

On Sunday, I tried to get my bike back up and running after charging it overnight, but it does not seem as if my battery got any power. Not a good sign. As such, we had to cancel all of our planned trips, and just swung by Fort York instead.

We then spent the rest of the weekend at Maggie's parents' place to help clean out their basement. Let us just say that their basement was full, FULL of stuff. They started cleaning on Friday, but all hands were on deck (well, technically half) on Saturday and Sunday to help go through all of the stuff down there to see what could be reused, recycled, or dumped. We came out with three garbage bags full of plastic containers. (Yogurt, tofu, etc.) When I say full - I meant putting containers within containers to save on space. And one garbage bag full of sushi containers and aluminum trays. Not to mention the bag of e-waste and several bags of recyclables. There was also stacks of cardboard, half a dozen bags of clothes to donate, and at least a dozen bags of garbage. I think about 10% has been removed from the basement. About 20% was earmarked for a garage sale, 30% was marked for Richard, 10% was marked for Pauline, 10% was marked for Jean, 5% was marked for Barbara, and 15% still needs to be checked out. Not bad, but there was still 90% of the stuff was still in the basement! Ah well, one step at a time..


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