A couch, a couch. My condo with a couch.
Okay, I butchered that quote, but a couple of weekends ago, we helped Jeff's mom move some of her furniture out from her condo and into a storage locker. At the locker, I saw something that caught my attention: A black two seat leather couch. This would be perfect for my condo! Unfortunately, I did not have the presence of mind to take a picture of the couch, or have it positioned for easy access, as I did not want to move the couch until I had permission from Jeff's mom and Maggie. I asked Jeff's mom when we got back to the condo and she told us to take it and keep it! Well, we would not have space for it once we move, so we told her that we'd be returning it once we were finished with it. (If we're lucky, the buyer won't have any furniture and we'd just sell it all with the condo.) This weekend we arranged a meeting with Jeff's mom and got Maggie to take a look at the couch. She was quite happy with it, and we decided to find a way to transport it to...