A long long weekend of labour...

It has been a pretty busy long weekend.

Maggie and I took Friday off to go to a friend's wedding in St. Catherines. She spent most of the morning getting ready while I did some cleaning around the apartment. I had some wardrobe issues (me'sa getting fat!) but in the end I ended up wearing basically what I wore to my wedding, minus the belt but plus a tie. We left for St. Catherines in the early afternoon as the wedding was to start at around three-thirty. Who would've thought that traffic would be so bad? Even in the middle of the day, we had a huge traffic jam that was just from volume! We were lucky that we did not leave any later: there was an accident on the highway somewhere behind us that would have made us extremely late.

We did manage to make it to the wedding before the wedding started. (Note, I did not say that we made it on time.) But at least most weddings I've been to, none have actually started right on time. The ceremony was small and intimate, and the weather was nice. There was a chance of thundershowers, but everything went off without a hitch. During the break, we went shopping with Kevin and Selina, and I ended up doubling my tie wardrobe.

Dinner was a standard Chinese banquet style and we had fun introducing the non-Asians to the many different dishes that were presented to us that night. After the meal, there was an after dinner party at the house where a live salsa band played, and we got to try out our salsa moves. Of which we only remembered a few, sadly.

Saturday was spent driving out to Brampton to pick up some pies before driving back to a clan gathering. There was so much food!

Sunday was spent back in Brampton with MJNL's family for lunch and dinner. I actually BBQed part of the meal. I think it was the first time in many years that I have actually cooked on the grill. I could never tell if the food I BBQ was properly cooked, but fortunately I did not burn the chicken too much..

On Monday I went with Hwan to the Ontario Science Centre to check out the Game On 2.0 exhibit. We both had high hopes, but were a little saddened to discover that for the most part it was a glorified video arcade. We were also shocked by the blatant sponsorship of just about every part of the centre. Come on, the escalator was sponsored!

That night Maggie and I had a nice anniversary dinner at Epic, which had really good food and service. We just ended up dinged with a $30 parking tab because we didn't know that parking was free at the restaurant..


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