Past eight months and no hand, foot, or mouth disease (but a bit more sleep).

We were on high alert this past week because Elsy was exposed to HFMD. She was exposed to it when Maggie took her to visit her cousin. They didn't realize that their baby had a fever until after Elsy had already put copious numbers of items into her mouth at their house so we decided to play it safe and refrained from going out to too many places while we waited for any symptoms to show up.

So far so good. Apparently the incubation time is 3-6 days so I think we are in the clear.

We also replaced our mattress. It was definitely not as comfortable as we needed it to be. We got a couple of twins to tide us over and figure out which model we liked better. So far I think the thicker one is the winner. (Personally I didn't notice too much of a difference but it has only been a few days on the thicker mattress.)

Oh, also Elsy can kind of crawl backwards now.

Gotta start clearing the floors..


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