Dubai Day 16: Frying Pan food tour.

Maggie and I had been looking for some authentic Emirati food for quite some time and I came across a food tour that was highly rated (and also highly expensive) that we waffled on attending.

Getting ready to enjoy some tasty Palestinian food.
By the time we decided to we did want to take the tour, the only spots left available was the night before we left Dubai. Since our flight was in the morning, a late night out stuffing ourselves silly with food sounds like a excursion of madness, but this is what happens when you decide last-ish minute.

Me and Maggie at the back of the Palestinian restaurant ready to try some kunafa.
We spent the day packing and preparing for our trip back home and cleaning up the room. I got my post cards written but had no easy way to mail out the post cards. I decided to leave it to the locals to do it for me.

Sitting down to enjoy some Emirati food. (Notice lack of utensils.)
We ended up getting out to the meeting point an hour early, so we were able to wander the neighborhood for a bit and got our first drop of rain. The only drop of rain that we even noticed during the entire trip!

Showing off some Faloodeh and saffron ice cream. Yummy!
The food tour itself was long, filling, and very good. I highly recommend it. I'll fill this out with details later.


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