Parental pride.

We've all been commended in our lifetimes. Either we did well on a test or some task or whatever. I usually take any complements in stride, especially now that I am older. But complements do still pull those pride strings that we all have deep within us (or on our shoulder).

But when someone complements our child, it's a whole different ball of wax. There is a different kind of pride that issues forth. A pride that only a parent can have, a feeling that "yes, I have done a good job". It is ultimately, pride for oneself even though the praise was directed at someone else, but it is only natural to fell like you have contributed to this person's merits and to take part of the credit.

It does not even have to be a parent that feels pride, teachers, peers, or even supporters can feel pride whether reasonable or not when their student, classmate, team, or whatever is acknowledged in a positive manner. When one person succeeds, we can all succeed with this person.

I guess that is why good leaders are so popular, people who prefer not to take the reigns will look towards their leader to set the path, or plan, or goal and everybody benefits when the group succeeds.

So Elsy was observed as establishing a leadership roll in her classroom and becoming a great leader in the group.

Parental pride indeed.


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