Down, but not out.

I had planned to put the Christmas tree out this weekend as it was starting to look a little dry and brown. I was able to remove all the decorations and lights, but the weather had made putting the tree out a little annoying so I left it in the house until less wet and icy conditions come about.

Oh, did I not mention that we had a Christmas tree? Like.. a real tree that you had to water and the like?

Must've slipped my mind. Anyhoo, the whole experience was not as bad as I thought it would be. I was surprised how cheap the tree was (we purchased it from Ikea), and the fact that the tree fit inside my car surprised me quite a bit. I never noticed the smell, but apparently my mom enjoyed it. Getting the tree set up and decorated as not as enjoyable, and even the take down so far has not been as onerous as I had expected. The pines on the ground were barely an issue and clean up so far has been quite cathartic. The whole ordeal has left me not dreading next year's tree chores..


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