Sick, scrap, snow, shovel and STC.

So I got a call in the middle of the meeting I was running from daycare telling me that Elsy had a fever and I had to pick her up. Oh goody. I was not too surprised, as Elsy was complaining of being cold in the morning. I never took her temperature though. Her forehead felt normally warm.

In any case, I had to rush out after the meeting to pick her up and the afternoon was a bit of a loss. Let her veg on the couch and watch television while I took the time to do some chores and finally toss out the tree that's been in our living room for over a month. It was much lighter than before, now that it was tinder dry, but it was also extremely stiff and needles were flying off of it with every step I took. I needed to get it out of the house ASAP. Those needles were actually painful if stepped on, or grabbed, or.. anything now that they were bone dry. (Tree pickup day was the next morning, and I had forgotten - so it was lucky that I tossed the tree that night.)

The next day was spent home with Elsy while she basically watched television all day. Her fever had gotten worse and I had to keep her drugged up all the time to keep her temperature down.

Saturday we got hit by a snow storm, so we spent the day indoors, with Elsy watching television all day (again). Her fever came back, so we drugged her up again.

Sunday morning was spent shoveling ourselves out. Well, I did most of the shoveling. Elsy "helped", but then went back inside to watch more television.

We did finally get out of the house to watch the CNY celebration at the STC. But then it was back home to television (for Elsy) and cleaning (for us). It did feel productive though, we're finally clearing out stuff we've been meaning to go through for months. We really have to get ready for the summer addition..


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