It has been busy.

 I have not posted here in a while. We have been busy as you may have guessed.

SYS's early arrival derailed our plans and the whole pandemic situation complicated everything, making 2020 both a blessing and an.. interesting time. The first month was a little worrisome, but after we got over that dangerous time, things were able to clam down a bit. It helped that we had some experience, an understanding child, and some assistance from grandparents.

SYS has pretty much caught up with her cohort in size and development, with some caveats, but we do not worry about the child at all, in fact, are quite thankful that the name we chose was more appropriate than expected. Perhaps "Smiley" would have been more accurate, but I'll take calm and quiet any day.

EYS is in virtual school now and live has returned to some semblance of normality, although from the children's eyes, this has always been "normal".


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