Capilano Suspension Bridge, Japadog, and Sunset Dinner Cruise

The plan for today was to go to the Capilano Suspension Bridge and then return back to the house so we could get ready for the sunset cruise dinner. We had originally planned on doing our stand up paddleboarding and tour of Granville island today, but the weather reports were indicating that it would be cold and cloudy during the morning, which did not bode well for a water outing.
Maggie on the Capilano Suspension Bridge.
In the end, the morning turned out to be fairly sunny and quite warm, especially after noon. This kind of irked me since we basically had to double back to the house after our visit to the Capilano Suspension Bridge, which was also a change of plan as we had wanted to check out both Grouse Mountain and Capilano Suspension Bridge on the same day since they were next to each other. So much driving!
Maggie leaning on one of the large trees in the park.
In any case, the bridge itself was okay. I can see how it had a interesting view over the gorge and some interesting history (which I did not get to see since we rushed through that part). What they did around the bridge was much more interesting however. They turned the areas around the bridge into a whole nature preserve with a lot of educational posters and activities for kids to do to learn about the forest and the creatures that inhabit them.
I was pointing out the banana slug at the slug crossing.

This was a kestrel that was on display.
There were a number of very old and very large trees throughout the area, and a number of animals that they had on display as well, including a kestrel. They even had a slug crossing, and there was actually a large banana slug crossing at that moment, which actually probably would have taken an hour or so to complete. A couple of tourists moved the slug off to the side so that noone would accidentally step on it.
Maggie and I on the lookout next to the suspension bridge.
Most of the attractions had to do with being high up: The suspension bridge, the tree walk, and the cliffedge walk. None of which I handled too great, but managed to work my way through, mostly by not looking down. (Which kind of defeats some of the reason for actually going on them.)
Maggie on the new Cliffwalk.
We were able to explore most of the main attractions at the bridge, but had little time to read through all of the informative posters that dotted the area. This was unfortunate as it did seem interesting enough to spend the time to read. We got to the bridge later than planned, and we wanted to have lunch at Japadog and did not want to miss the food truck before it closed. As such, we could only stay for a few hours.
I was pointing out the mosquito totem pole.
We were able to drive back downtown and found a parking spot near the food truck areas and picked up a couple of dogs from Japadog and some cookies from Feastro. I was not too impressed with the cookies, but the hot dogs were tasty, albeit a little over priced.

In any case, we were able to make it back to the house in time to get cleaned up and down to the dock for our dinner date. The boat was apparently the same one that Brad and Nancy got married on, so we in effect, were able to relive their wedding that we had missed. The food was okay, but the cruise was nice. We were able to see a number of the really nice houses along the coast and had a nice sunset.
Maggie and I on the sunset cruise dinner. That was Stanley park in the background.
After dinner, Brad and Nancy drove us to an intersting ice cream shop called La Casa Gelato, where they have many different flavours of ice cream and gelato. We were allowed to taste test as many flavours as we wanted. So I was able to try out stuff like wasabi, or durian. Actually it was Maggie who tried the durian, and after being grossed out by it, give it to me to try. Why the heck did I even put it in my mouth?!?
I am getting ready to purchase my maple bacon ice cream at La Casa Gelato.
In any case, I decided not to go with my usual chocolate and tried out the maple bacon instead. It was not as mapley as I had hoped it would be, but certainly was very bacony!
Group shot with our ice cream picks at La Casa Gelato.
The ice cream shop got pretty packed while we were deciding on what to eat. It seems like the place (which had been around for decades) is a popular joint for kids and adults. I wonder if there is something like this in Toronto..


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