Grouse Grind China Guu

Maggie and I had an ambitious plan to hike the Grouse Grind in the morning, check out the stuff at the top of the mountain like the lumberjack show, visit the Capilano Suspension Bridge in the afternoon and then head downtown for dinner at Guu.

Well, we did get up at a good time to start the Grouse Grind.
Starting the Grouse Grind.
We were doing pretty good when we passed the 1/4 mark.
This was after one thousand steps.
 But things started to really slow down at the halfway point.
Halfway up: About 1500 steps.
But we did continue upwards past 2000 steps. (Note how I am now carrying more stuff.)
We got to two thousand steps!
But we had to take it easy after the 3/4 mark.
Maggie was unhappy that we still had seven hundred steps to go.
But we still made it to the top in one piece!
We made it to the top!
We were able to watch the lumberjack show, but the mountain top really got foggy when we reached the top, and after we had lunch it started to rain pretty heavily.
It was foggy at the top!
We still stuck around to see the grizzly bears, and stayed to watch a few of the films there were showing in the theatre. But due to the weather, and the fact that we got a little wet, we went back to the house to get cleaned up and rest before heading downtown for dinner at Guu.

Along the way, we decided to drive through old Chinatown since it was pretty much on the way, and we needed to get some groceries. Interestingly enough, it was only seven at night and all of the stores and restaurants were closed! What was up with that? We did manage to find a T&T closer to downtown that was open so that we could stock up on gifts and groceries.
Guu Garlic.
Dinner at Guu was pretty good! I was not that hungry so we did not order that much stuff, but just about everything we picked out was good quality and tasty. It was a much better experience than the Guu in Toronto. We might go back to try the Toronto location, but the line ups there were a little silly.


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