Nest fall down go boom.

We had a resident robin at our new house and I wanted do show Elsy the rearing cycle of these birds as they were easily accessible and mature quickly. We have robins nesting out our parents' place just about every year and she did see one nest when she was an infant but I doubt she retained anything. Anyway, yesterday I noticed that the nest was on the ground. It was a very windy day and I was not surprised to see that the whole thing had gotten blown off the light. The sad part was that there were three chicks that came down with it. One larger one, a small chick, and one that was still in the egg. None survived. I was much too late to do anything. I took a picture and my Nest camera even caught the fall on video. Apparently it happened just as we were arriving at the house. (So not our fault?)

Well, I hope this doesn't deter other robins from nesting near us. It would explain why the bird was looking forlornly at me when I approached the corner when I first arrived (I didn't round it as I didn't want to bother the bird - but didn't realize about the carnage on the ground.)

Anyway, back to cleaning the house.


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