The cleanup continues.

So the past weekend was spent mostly cleaning and unpacking. Cleaning the dust off of everything, and out of everything and then opening the various boxes that we had squirreled away throughout the house to fill out the kitchen. The kitchen is the biggest amount of stuff for unpacking so we concentrated on it as we needed to have a functioning kitchen if we wanted to move in. The bedrooms were mostly done and the basement was a little easier to clean up, as there was not much to unpack.

However, we had our ducts cleaned over the weekend (which is a wise move after a lengthy renovation). There was a lot of dust and debris inside our ducts and we were happy seeing that all of this garbage was being sucked out of the house. Except when the main ducts were being cleaned. The compressed air that was being used to dislodge the dust seemed to have sprayed the dust back up out of our registers! The guy didn't close any of the registers in the house (just the intakes) and a few of our rooms became smokey from all of the dust.

Maggie was pissed, since we had cleaned up all of the bedrooms and washed everything twice already, and when we checked the next day after all the dust had settled, we noticed that, yes, there was a nice layer of dust on everything. Nice.


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