New job.

Yes, both Maggie and I have new jobs: as gardeners!

We spent the past couple of weeks working on our gardens. i.e. our yards. Ever since the snow melted, we have been working at cleaning up the yards as best we could. Once the rains stopped we were able to make some progress with cleaning up the leaves and exposing all of the perennials that are now working their way out of the soil.

All of our trees are budding, and many of our tulips our coming out. I really do not know what we actually have in our garden, but am surprised by the sheer variety of plant life that has appeared in front, beside, and behind our house!

Of course, I have been trying to keep the dandelions at bay, but this is a never ending battle, made more difficult by the distance we must travel each day.

I am sure that things will get easier once we move in but for now, we are still getting our feet wet in this muddy past time. At least we know where a couple of the drip hoses need to get plugged in now.

Oh, and in the past week we came across a number of creatures I rarely (if ever) ran across in the city: a beaver, a gopher, a snake. This is on top of the usual plethora of birds, squirrels, cats, dogs, raccoons, bunnies, and other flora that are always found in the area.


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