Car Return, Stanley Park, Banana Leaf and Burnaby Mountain

I had to return the car today at the airport. Fortunately, Adrian and Ka were staying near the airport so the plan was for us to drop off the car, and then they would pick us up from the airport and the six of us would head out to Stanley Park.
Maggie and I on the south end of Stanley Park during low tide.
We spent most of the afternoon out at Stanley Park but only saw a small portion of the park and did not find any of the food trucks that we wanted to try out. We did manage to find some tasty fish and chips, but realized that the food trucks probably were not able to peddle their wares within the park..
View from Burnaby Mountain.
In any case, after hanging around the park for a few hours, we headed back to town where we all had dinner with Brad and Nancy at Banana Leaf, a very tasty Malaysian restaurant.
The Japanese Totem Poles during sunset.
After finishing our meal, Bran and Nancy drove us up Burnaby Mountain to see the views from up top, admire the Japanese totem poles, and to watch the sun set on our last night in Vancouver.


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