Lake Louise, Teahouse Hike, Banff Gondola

We earmarked the day to spend at Lake Louise and Banff. After we got to the lake, Maggie and I decided to try out the Teahouse Hike, which was about a 3.5 kilometer hike (one way).

Me and Maggie at Lake Louise.
The hike itself was long, but not too intense. After the Grouse Grind, I think Maggie was confident she could tackle any hiking trail we might come across, and I was more than willing to take a hike!

Maggie at Mirror Lake.
As we worked our way up the trail, we came across a small lake partway up the mountian. We also noticed that part of the trail crossed with a horse trail and spent a lot of time avoiding horse droppings and holding our noses on other parts which were a little smelly.

Maggie next to Lake Agnes.
We made it to the Tea House that was next to Lake Agnes, but we were both feeling extremely hot even though the temperatures at the Tea House were close to single digits.

We spent some time at the Tea House before heading back down the Lake Louise. I even came across a mountain squirrel that was looking for food. I did not give it any, but was surprised how close it came up to be before it scampered off. As an aside, most people who look at the photo think that it was a chipmunk..

[Edit: Now that I take a closer look, it could be a chipmunk. I didn't see any stripes on the rodent's face but I was not really paying much attention before. There could be stripes, which would make the critter a chipmunk..]

I am having a staring contest with a squirrel next to the Tea House.
Our hike down the mountain was much faster, but also a bit more rushed as we did not take advantage of the washrooms at the Tea House. We did make it back down to the Fairmont though without an accident. Once we were ready, we headed towards Banff to go up the Gondola.

View of Banff from Sulphur Mountain.

We drove through the town and went straight to the gondola to head up Sulphur Mountain. The weather was fantastic so the views were very impressive. Despite our earlier hike, I wanted to hike up to the peak, and somehow convinced everyone else to come along as well.

Maggie at the top of Sulphur Mountain.

The hike was a cakewalk compared to the earlier hike to the Tea House, and the view from the top was quite a sight.

View from Sulphur Mountain on the side opposite of Banff.

After walking back and taking the gondola back down to the town, we drove around the area a little bit before looking for a place to eat. We found an vegetarian restaurant that was rated very highly on trip advisor, only to find that they were booked solid for the night. Our fallback at a Greek restaurant was also booked until the late evening. We decided to head back to Canmore for dinner instead.

Me on Banff Avenue in Banff.
We ended up gonig to the Grizzly Paw for dinner, and the food was pretty good.


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