Drumheller Dinosaurs and Hoodoos.

On the first (and for me) only full day in Calgary, we all headed out to Drumheller to visit the Royal Tyrrell Museum and check out the hoodoos in the area.

The first stop was the Royal Tyrrell Museum, which I had visited thirteen years prior. I do not recall all too much from that last trip, but I do remember many of the exhibits being the same.

I am standing in front of a dinosaur that was here the last time I visited thirteen years ago.

One of Maggie's favourite dinosaurs is the Stegosaurus.

Maggie standing in front of a Stegosaurus.
The weather was a little warm and sunny that day, so we did not do too much hiking. We did however head down to the hoodoos.

Me at the lookout over the Royal Tyrrell Museum.
Now I do not recall checking out the hoodoos when we visited last time. I am pretty sure we did not. It would explain how underwhelmed I was when I finally got to see the ones that were on display. They were a lot smaller than I had expected them to be.

Maggie and I in front of the Hoodoos of Drumheller.
The scenery around the hoodoos was nice to behold. The climb up was not too difficult, and it seemed as if many other people have made the trek before.

Me looking over the badlands at Drumheller.
I would have liked to have gone all the way up to the plateau but my shoes are not proper hiking shoes. Also, the ground was soft and gravelly in many places which is dangerous on some of the more steep areas.

After our visit at Drumheller, we headed back to Calgary for a Chinese meal before getting ready for my flight back to Toronto..


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