Dim Sum Deep Cove Richmond Night Market

On this last full day on our own, Maggie and I first had dim sum with Brad, Nancy, and some of Nancy's family. The food was pretty tasty and we were both stuffed after the meal. Maggie managed to snag the bill before everyone else, which was a bit of a coup after we lost the bill to the Tangs the night before.

After dim sum, we headed out to Deep Cove to enjoy some donuts, fish and chips, and enjoy whatever recreational activities were available there. I was hoping for a fairly relaxing afternoon, but when we got there we discovered that the area was already pretty busy with vacationers who were enjoying the sun and water during the Labour Day long weekend. It took us a long time and quite a bit of back tracking to find a place to park, and we had to hike back to the town before we could even start looking at things to do.

Since dim sum was so filling, neither of us really felt like eating any fish and chips. However, Brad did talk about the donuts, so I was compelled to at least give it a look see. After walking around the shore for a bit, we headed to Honey Donuts and Goodies to see what they had to offer. They only had two types of donuts on their menu: Honey glazed, and Chocolate. I took an interest in their chocolate donuts, but was told that they had sold out. They only had their regular honey donuts, and one maple bacon donut left. The maple bacon donut was a special for the day, and seeing that it was the last one, I took that as a sign and bought it. It was pretty tasty!
I got the last maple bacon doughnut at Honey Doughnuts & Goodies at Deep Cove.
We hung around Deep Cove for a couple hours before leaving. All of the kayaks and canoes at the main dock were all rented out, so we basically relaxed on one of the park benches overlooking the beach, played Wordstorm, and listened to some (very sureal) live music.

We headed back to town to have dinner at Toshi Sushi. We head looked up places to eat sushi and Toshi was one of the places that was recommended. We had nothing else to do so ended up arriving at the restaurant before the opening time at five. When we got there (about ten minutes early), there was already a lineup. Apparently there were only 28 seats available in the restaurant. I did a quick head count and discovered that we were 32 and 33. We stayed in line though, and after getting let in, we found out that the estimated wait time was forty five minutes. I was still pretty full from that donut, so I had no problems with waiting. So we waited. Was the wait worth it? Well, considering how much the sushi cost (it was remarkably cheap!), and how good it tasted, I think a forty five minute wait was worth it! Besides, we kept ourselves busy with Wordstorm.
Showing off my plate of sushi at Toshi Sushi. At that price it was worth the wait!
After our meal, we headed down to the Richmond Night Market. We discovered that there were actually two night markets being run by competing groups. We went to the one that had free parking. As with Toshi, we actually arrived fifteen minutes before the market opened, but road to the parking lot was already packed with cars! We ended up parking at the far end of the lot and had quite a hike through the rest of the (empty) parking lot to get to the entrance. We had planned to meet up with Ka, Adrian and the kids, but due to the time difference the kids were not into it.

Maggie and I did some wandering around and discovered so many food stalls that made us realize that we could have had dinner at the night market instead! We did at least try out the Rotato, which tasted like a cross between a potato chip and french fry. We gave the Rotato a try mostly due to the huge lineup in front of the stall - even before the market was officially opened - and due to Haidee's recommendation.
Maggie showing off what she was going to do to the Rotato.
We stayed at the night market for a couple of hours, some of that time was watching the live band playing on the stage. The lead singer reminded me of Rachel from Glee. Especially that song she wrote reminded me of that hairbrush song. In any case, we listened for a while before exploring the rest of the night market. The non-food stalls did not really appeal to either of us. Many had stuff I would never even consider buying. It was unfortuate that we were so full. I would have liked to have tried some of the other foods at the market.


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