
Showing posts from June, 2016


Now that Elsy has passed the three month stage, she will be hitting some noticeable milestones pretty soon. She already started grasping objects, has really started to babble, laugh, and has been getting to sleep a lot easier now (with sleep training that is). That tiny baby that we started off with is now a curious infant, ready to see what's next on the list of life..

Over Three Months.

Elsy is now more than three months old! It is amazing how quickly time flies when you have a little one. They do not stay that little for that long! I think both of us are still open to having more kids. We shall see how the rest of the year goes..

There, I fixed it.

After putting Elsy to bed I decided to get a few things that were bothering me out of the way. I swapped around my USB cords on my computer - something I have been meaning to do for a month. I re-reversed the latches for the walk-in closet door and laundry room so that they now point in the right direction. Something I have been meaning to look into for a month. I had picked up a microwave stand after work, which was something we had been meaning to do for a month. Unfortunately the microwave did not fit inside the microwave cubicle. Not critical, as it can fit on top, but we wanted to put the toaster oven on top and have the microwave below. It was also a foot lower than I would have liked. I don't want to kneel to put food into the microwave, although on the top shelf things are easier to access. So, we are progressing. The place is starting to look more like a home and less like a storage room. A bookshelf would be nice, but that is something we will need to discuss..

People coming..

More and more people will start coming to visit over the next weeks and months. We already have a cousin dropping by today, and then a couple of Maggie's friends are coming over on Friday. Our place is mostly presentable, although we still have some stuff to clean up and organize. Namely, we require a bookshelf - or three. We sold our bookshelves when we were moving and stored all of our books in boxes. These boxes were mostly left at my parents' place. Out of sight, out of mind. Of course, now that we have a place of our own again, a dozen boxes of books are hard to organize without something to put them onto. Still, least of our problems. I was just happy I was able to fix the shower faucet handle (apparently the renovators just did not bother screwing it in), and got rid of Dion's stuff freeing up room to hide more boxes. Next project is to see if I can fix a couple of the doors. It seems as if they were installed with the latch backwards. i.e. you need to turn the k...

The nursery is pretty much ready now. Finally.

So we have pretty much finished setting up the nursery. Pretty much. There are still boxes in there, but the mattress is in and covered and things seem ready to go now. We just need to put together one more of those POÄNG chairs, get the last boxes out of the room and we will be set. Of course, we have to figure out where to put those boxes.. On a brighter note, we put down the foam mats in the living room for baby to crawl around on when she starts crawling and moved the rug back to the corner where it belongs. Eventually we will get things organized into a way so that the place is presentable but we are actually pretty close now methinks. By this weekend I foresee something akin to a visitable venue, if only barely. Just in time too because people are coming over on Friday. I guess I should start inviting others too. Will get to it. Eventually.

I put our pictures up..

I put up our first photos on the wall last night. I only had time to put up two of them: Our large wedding canvas and our smaller wedding photo frame. They both now hang near the clock on the most visible side of the living room for all to see. This was possible because I was able to move the empty boxes and buckets from the living room corner into the baby room. This was possible because I was able to move the empty furniture boxes (the ones we just purchased) from the baby room and hallway into the locker room. This was possible because I actually had time to move those boxes down to the locker room, although the boxes were so big and bulky, there is now no more room for anything in the locker. Still, this place is starting to look more like a home!