People coming..

More and more people will start coming to visit over the next weeks and months. We already have a cousin dropping by today, and then a couple of Maggie's friends are coming over on Friday. Our place is mostly presentable, although we still have some stuff to clean up and organize. Namely, we require a bookshelf - or three. We sold our bookshelves when we were moving and stored all of our books in boxes. These boxes were mostly left at my parents' place. Out of sight, out of mind.

Of course, now that we have a place of our own again, a dozen boxes of books are hard to organize without something to put them onto. Still, least of our problems. I was just happy I was able to fix the shower faucet handle (apparently the renovators just did not bother screwing it in), and got rid of Dion's stuff freeing up room to hide more boxes.

Next project is to see if I can fix a couple of the doors. It seems as if they were installed with the latch backwards. i.e. you need to turn the knob to close the door, but opening just requires a push (or pull). Who does that?!?

Anyhoo, I plan on picking up a microwave stand this afternoon to make room in the kitchen. This should make our lives easier going forward. The moving "in" part never seems to end..


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