The nursery is pretty much ready now. Finally.

So we have pretty much finished setting up the nursery. Pretty much. There are still boxes in there, but the mattress is in and covered and things seem ready to go now. We just need to put together one more of those POÄNG chairs, get the last boxes out of the room and we will be set.

Of course, we have to figure out where to put those boxes..

On a brighter note, we put down the foam mats in the living room for baby to crawl around on when she starts crawling and moved the rug back to the corner where it belongs. Eventually we will get things organized into a way so that the place is presentable but we are actually pretty close now methinks. By this weekend I foresee something akin to a visitable venue, if only barely.

Just in time too because people are coming over on Friday.

I guess I should start inviting others too.

Will get to it.



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