Barb and Alan's Turn

Our wedding adventures continued today with Barb and Alan's wedding. I did not have to wake up as early today, nor have to worry about my hair as all of the attention was on Barb and Alan. Apart from the windiness (it was also a little windy during our wedding), they had great weather, and lots of wedding cake for us to eat!

The minister and the musician was the same as for our wedding (and photographer too), except that the minister actually changed his shirt for this one (in all of the other photos I have seen of the minister he wore the same shirt in every one).

The Liu group at Barb and Alan's wedding.
After the wedding, our group went out to a late lunch at some BBQ place to tide us over before the dinner reception. This was a mistake. I ate my fill and found out that I would still be full by the time dinner rolled around. The reception was held at The Feast at Lele, which was a dinner and show, featuring dancing styles from the different Polynesian islands.

The food and the show was great. There was even fire dancing! My only gripe being that I had eaten beforehand and could not truly enjoy the meal.


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