Photos and Whales

This was the only day in our schedule where we effectively had a day off. The morning was reserved to meet up with Scott Drexler to go over the details of the wedding photos. Maggie and I also took the time before he arrived to snorkel at the beach near the house that Barb and Alan were staying at. The coral by that beach was a little worse for wear, but there was virtually nobody around so we were able to enjoy ourselves in the water.

After getting the wedding photo stuff out of the way, Maggie and I went down to Lahaina with Candace to go whale watching. Candace had already booked a whale sight seeing tour and we tried go get on the same one. Unfortunately, hers was sold out so the two of us went on a separate tour. While waiting around, we checked out the giant Banyan tree in the middle of Lahaina.

The giant banyan tree in Lahaina.
We were able to see whales during the tour, but most were so far away, and were only visible for a fleeting moment that we could not get any good photos. The highlight of the excursion was when we saw a pod of spinner dolphins playing near the harbour. Unfortunately, due to the distance (and smaller size of the dolphins) we could not get any good shots.

That evening we had a final dinner with Maggie's family before we headed out on our honeymoon. We invited Brad and Nancy out as well and I drove out to pick up food from Red Star, a Vietnamese restaurant fairly well known in those parts. The food was good, but in smaller portions than I had expected..


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