Mama's Fish House and the Road to Hana

We had planned to drive on the road to Hana today with my dad. Since the drive itself would take the entire day, we had planned to get up early. I asked my dad to wake us up for 6:30. Since our flight came in so late the night before, we did not get to bed until the wee hours in the morning. So when we got the wake up call from my dad (who was in the lobby), neither me nor Maggie were up for waking up so early so we passed on the drive. We slept in for a few more hours and enjoyed a relaxing morning.

First morning in Maui.
With our original plan to drive the road to Hana shot, we fell back to plan B: Lunch at Mama's Seafood House with the rest of the Lius.

Maggie and I at the parking lot next to Mama's Fish House.
This too was planned for the group, but we had not originally been part of this plan as I had thought that we would be halfway to Hana by then.

Group shot! Taken just before we ate at Mama's Fish House.
The food there was really good though, and we had a good time. This was our first meal on the island so we decided to go big and try out everything.

The drink was a bit more sour than I had expected.
This included some fresh tropical drinks, the fresh fish (caught that morning!) and delectable deserts.

My first tuna sushi while I was in Hawaii. It was not the last.
 Their signature dessert was called the Black Pearl. I had to try it out because it had chocolate!

The Black Pearl (dessert) at Mama's Fish House.
Since the restaurant was actually partway to Hana, we decided to try driving along the road to Hana anyway. Maggie and I went with my dad in Hoi's car. We hit a number of the stops including some arboretum, a couple of lookout points and Waianapanapa state park.

Ooh! A sign! This was at Waianapanapa State Park.
The park had some great coastline views and with the surf up, I was hoping to see the blowhole in action.

Part of the coast at Waianapanapa State Park.
Another sight to see there was the black sand beach. The waves were pretty big that day so nobody went wading into the water.

Maggie wrote our initials on the black sand beach at Waianapanapa State Park.
Due to the weathering of the rocks, there were some interesting structures along the coast.

Looks like this could be a tidal pool at Waianapanapa State Park.
The weather started out fairly nice, but quick became overcast and started to rain, so we decided to head back before it got too dark.

Me at the coast of Waianapanapa State Park.
Because of the rain, there was a fair bit of water coming down the sides of the mountain. This resulted in many a waterfall seen along the way. I managed to get us to stop next to one so I could take some photos.

This is one of the many waterfalls that we saw on the road to Hana. This one was a bit more impressive than most.
On the way down, we passed by some place called Uncle Harry's. We had to stop for photos on the way back.

We found Uncle Harry's on the road to Hana.
The place was closed when we got there so I have no idea what this place does.

We also swung by a tiny peninsula with some nice surf, and the GyPSy GPS guide suggested some banana bread stand that had the best banana bread on the island, except that we could not find it, or anyone, anywhere on the peninsula! I guess being Christmas Eve, things were closed early? It was really hard to tell because it did not feel like Christmas for any of us.

It was dark by the time we got back, but Hoi's save driving got us back in one piece.


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