Indochina Day 20: The voyage home
We got picked up by our taxi at 0400 so that we could make our 0640 flight back home. Getting up was not as annoying as I thought it would be and I was surprisingly awake, until I sat down on the plane and my eyes started to droop. I think I passed out a couple of times on our three hour trip to Hong Kong. I wanted to stay up until our long haul flight back to Toronto so that I could get my body in sync with Toronto time and hopefully minimize the effects of jet lag. I only have a day to recover before going back to work and I do not want to doze off on my first day back. At least we had the entertainment system working on the way back, so I was finally able to watch Avengers 2: The Rise of Ultron, as well as Interstellar. The first movie was a little disappointing, while the second was enjoyable, but did require paying attention. I did seem to fall asleep for most of the flight back, although it did not feel like I got a lot of sleep. I did feel a lot less jet lagged than Maggie w...