Indochina Day 1: Departure

We had a twenty hour flight to Bangkok with a stopover in Hong Kong. With our flight path, we would be flying at a high enough latitude that we would always be in sunlight. As such, we were advised to keep the window shades closed as the sunlight would mess with our circadian rhythms. Not like a 20 hour flight into a 12 hour shifted time zone won't mess with our circadian rhythms. We would also be losing half a day so our landing would take place on the afternoon of the 6th, which removes one day form our itinerary.

At Hong Kong International Airport. Still wide awake!

In any case, our plane departure was delayed as the technicians were trying to get the entertainment system working on board. However, even after half an hour, they were unable to get the system up and running and we ended up in the air with the entertainment system disabled. No movies for us! It was not a complete loss however as I had time to write up my blurb about Kat and work on some minor things. Although if I actually had a chance to work in the airport instead of standing in line, I would have been able to get some needed software downloaded and some hotels booked.


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