Los Angeles Day 13: The Voyage Home

We, well I, got up early to get ready and pack any remaining stuff before heading out. We said our last goodbyes to the Kims before they left for work/school and made our way to the airport. It was fairly uneventful and this time we gave ourselves ample time to get through to the gate. After filling up on gas and dropping off the car, we were able to make it too the airport in under three hours, which was still an hour longer than I had expected.

Getting through security was a chore, but because we had a toddler with us, we were able to join the priority line and get past the main group of travelers. We even had time to grab a bite before boarding the plane. Oh, and this time we were able to board first because we had a child under five. We definitely were able to take advantage of our advantages this time.

The flight back was late, but fairly uneventful, until the last hour when Elsy started to get a bit stir crazy and did not want to stay in her car seat. She started kicking the seat in front of her and we took her out to calm her down. She was exhausted and wanted to sleep but I guess she could not in her seat. Unfortunately, soon after I took her out, the seat belt light came on and we were worried about how we would get her back in her chair. Fortunately, the flight crew let us keep holding her (with the belt around both of us) for the duration of the turbulence.

Maggie was able to convince her to get back in the seat before we landed and we were able to get on from that point without a hitch. She was happy to be back home. We were able to get back to the apartment, unpack some stuff and get to bed after midnight. We all had to get back to our regular lives the next day.


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