New Year on the Big Island

After our exhausting New Year's Eve, we decided to take New Year's Day off to sleep in, relax and plan for the rest of our stay on the big island. Another reason why we decided to take it easy today was because all of the places we were interested in seeing were basically closed today.

We only went out to have dinner at Sansei north of Kona. We found out when we got there that dinner was half price if you sat down by six. We arrived just before happy hour ended at six, but did not get seated until afterward and so we got no discount.

In any case, we went for the sushi platter since we had read how good the food was here (and at a reasonable price too). Well,the sushi was.. interesting. Maggie was not a fan of some of the pieces that we got, mainly the ones that were tough and actually tasted like a cut of beef - tendons and all! It was not terrible, but it was not something that we were expecting. Considering that we were expecting to eat melt in your mouth fish it was quite disappointing.


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