From Kauai to Waikiki

We got up at a respectable time to check out and get ready for out flight to Oahu. The flight itself was not until the mid-afternoon so we had some time to kill. We spent most of that time relaxing and getting ready for our last hours on Kauai. Since the flight was direct we figured that we would have some time to look around after we arrived on the island. Well, the latter was true, but when we arrived, we discovered that Honolulu was a large city, and driving around was as bad as any other major north american city. Yes we drove around during rush our. Having Waikiki not too close to the airport meant that we were unable to go exploring until it was starting to get dark.

Maggie on Waikiki with a view of Diamond Head.
We walked along Waikiki beach after we had an early dinner at Roy's. It was a nice view of the coast, except that the beach itself looked very.. sad. It was not the vast majestic beaches that I had expected. Erosion and overuse has taken its toll on this once amazing area.

It looks like there was a bit of erosion on Waikiki.
Yes, it was still very nice, but way too commercialized and over crowded. Just about every front of beach had some sort of resort in front of it, leaving a small strip of sand that was usable by the public.

We wandered around the area looking at the shops and the scenery before heading back to the resort.


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