We only had one thing planned for the day, and that was to swim the sharks with the North Shore Shark Adventures. We happened to pick the last tour of the day and ended up waiting at the dock for a while with a couple from Australia. We noticed that there quite a number of Aussies in Hawaii, many were there to go shopping on top of the regular vacation activities.
Our tour group of twenty some odd people were split up into three groups to dive into the shark cage with our snorkeling equipment and see the sharks. I am glad that we had purchased a waterproof camera as I would not have been able to convey how many sharks we were able to see just from surface photos.
It was probably one of the most exciting excursions that we went on during the entire trip. Amazingly enough, we did not recall ever signing a waiver form before, during, or after we got on the ship.
Us and the shark cage used by North
Shore Shark Adventures.
Aoki's Shaved Ice was fairly renowned
and pretty tasty!
The North Shore is well known for the surf and there were many surfers and body boarders while we were sitting on the beach. We had the occasional drizzle from a passing cloud and saw a number of rainbows as well.
That's me relaxing and watching the surf
at the North Shore of Oahu.
On the drive back, we stopped off at one of the rocky shores to take some photos and to explore Pupukea Beach Park.
Maggie in front Pupukea Beach Park on the north shore of Oahu.
Our last stop along the North Shore was Haleiwa Joe's for dinner. Although it got rated fairly well we were a little disappointed with the food there.
We were planning on going to the beach this morning but our plans got derailed when Serena stomped on Elsy's face and we had to wait for the bleeding to stop. It took so long that there was a chance we needed to go to the hospital. In the end, we thought it too risky to leave the house this morning lest the gusher started again, and so we set up the water table at home instead.
So it seems as if the link I had to the Polynesian Cultural Centre was flagged as a bad site. I double checked the link and, yup, I got a warning when I tried to visit it. I double checked if the link was changed and no, the search and Wikipedia still point to the same page so.. I just removed the link. We will see how the repost goes.
So I am used to the soft chimes that you hear in the neighborhood when the ice cream truck comes by. This year we already had three visits, mostly on cold or rainy moments of the day. This was in contrast to the infrequent visits to our old neighborhood when I was a child. In addition, we were too poor to really enjoy a cone of soft ice cream when it did show up so I never built up that sense of tradition that others would share with their children. As suck, when the truck does drive by, I don't rush out to grab a cone for my kids. Also, the pandemic does not help either. Still, maybe one day this summer we will indulge our kids. Maybe. Oh, but that was beside the point. Today I heard the ringing of a bell. This was not the sound I'm used to for an ice cream truck so I decided to investigate with Serena. As the truck drive by, I wondered to myself how such a small truck could be used to sell ice cream much less any kind of food. But then it dawned on me: this was not a food tru...
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